A recent survey conducted in California highlights the lengths that Black Americans are going to, in order to avoid discrimination in healthcare. In particular, 32% of respondents reported paying special attention to their dress, while 35% modified their speech or behavior to put doctors at ease.

Furthermore, 41% of Black patients signal to providers that they are knowledgeable and prepared. The study, titled “Listening to Black Californians: How the Health Care System Undermines Their Pursuit of Good Health,” aimed to raise awareness of the effort required by Black patients to obtain good care.

It also found that over a quarter of Black Californians avoid medical care due to their perception of being treated unfairly. The study’s findings are not surprising, given the many examples of racial inequality in healthcare, such as worse health outcomes for Black mothers and babies and delayed mental health diagnoses for Black patients.

Health experts have suggested that Black patients should not have to bear the burden of improving healthcare.

Source: www.medscape.com

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