Renowned actor and filmmaker, Tyler Perry, is lending a helping hand to a 93-year-old woman who faced the risk of losing her family’s century-old home in South Carolina due to a bitter dispute with developers.  

Tyler Perry’s comment


Perry has undertaken to construct a new, spacious 5-bedroom home for Josephine Wright to replace her current residence, which she shares with her grandkids and has been at the center of a heated land dispute. 

Sources close to the situation, speaking directly to TMZ, have revealed that Tyler Perry’s construction team will commence work on the new home in the forthcoming weeks, pending the acquisition of all the necessary permits. 

The story unfolded when Tyler Perry became aware of Josephine Wright’s legal battle with the Bailey Point Investment Group, which sought to purchase her land in Hilton Head.  

Mrs. Wright was unwavering in her refusal to part with her ancestral property, which had remained in her family for generations. In response, Bailey Point initiated a lawsuit to wrest control of her property from her grasp. 

In an interview with WSAV-TV, Josephine Wright recounted how Bailey Point Investment Group obtained town approval to develop a 29-acre parcel of land situated behind her home.  

She claimed to have turned down their offer to buy her home, which subsequently led to escalating harassment from BP. This campaign of harassment culminated in a lawsuit aimed at seizing the property, a cherished heirloom passed down through generations, with roots dating back to the Civil War era. 

In an inspiring display of solidarity, one of Josephine’s grandchildren initiated a GoFundMe campaign to help cover her mounting legal expenses. A September update on the fundraiser revealed that a tree had fallen on the family home, creating two significant holes in the roof. 

Now, thanks to Tyler Perry’s benevolence, Josephine Wright will soon be moving into a brand-new home, putting an end to her struggles with the developers. 




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