In an inspiring tale of determination and resilience, Jessika Inaba, a 23-year-old woman from Camden, North London, has shattered barriers and etched her name in history as the United Kingdom’s first-ever blind lawyer of African descent. 

Jessika’s remarkable journey began when she embarked on a five-year law degree at the University of London, defying expectations and proving that vision impairment was not a limitation to her dreams. 

 Employing the tactile language of Braille, which utilizes raised dots to convey written information, Jessika navigated her entire course with unwavering determination and the support of friends and mentors. 

Her path to this groundbreaking achievement commenced in September 2017 when she commenced her accelerated law degree at the University of London. Two years later, she concurrently pursued a master’s degree and professional training, culminating in her call to the United Kingdom Bar. 

 Jessika now stands among a select group of trailblazing women who are both blind and of African descent to qualify as barristers. 

The achievement is all the more remarkable as Jessika battled Bilateral Microphthalmia, a congenital eye condition characterized by smaller-than-average eyes, rendering her completely blind. 

 At various junctures in her journey, she encountered moments of doubt, but her unwavering belief in her abilities propelled her forward. 

“I always believed in myself from the start there’s nothing about me which means this isn’t possible,” Jessika said. “I know I can do this job really well, and the more people like me who go through training the easier it will become,” she added.   

Regrettably, Jessika also had to grapple with prejudiced attitudes during her studies, facing situations where prison officials mistakenly assumed her to be a visiting relative rather than a lawyer interviewing a client. 

 However, Jessika’s resolute spirit remains unshaken as she continues to inspire others with her story of triumph over adversity. 




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