Greg and Subrina Collier, an African American couple from Charlotte, North Carolina who transformed a devastating fire that destroyed their first restaurant into a remarkable success story. Today, they proudly own three thriving restaurants, demonstrating how resilience and determination can lead to remarkable achievements. 

The Colliers, originally from Tennessee, moved to different states looking to improve Greg’s culinary skills with Subrina supporting him all the way. They finally settled in South Carolina where they found a spot to open their restaurant at a run-down shopping mall. In 2012, the couple opened their first restaurant, The Yolk. 

However, a fire destroyed their business just 2 years later. Refusing to give up, they launched Uptown Yolk Cafe in Charlotte back in 2021. The cafe offers a popular brunch menu, including a “fire dish, which is our smoked chicken gravy biscuits and jalapeno jam was one of the first things we created on a new menu very specifically because we had a fire,” Greg said, according to AfroTech. 

Uptown Yolk Cafe faced additional hurdles from COVID-19, leading to a temporary closure and relocation. It reopened in 2023 at The Vantage South End in Charlotte. 

Their other successful venture is called Leah and Louise, a restaurant named after Greg’s late sister and grandmother, which opened in 2020. Despite opening during the pandemic, the restaurant known for its Southern-inspired dishes quickly became a success and will move to a larger space in west Charlotte in 2024. 

Their newest restaurant called 3rd & Fernwood is a Southern seasonal restaurant that adds to their growing portfolio in Charlotte. Together, Greg and Subrina operate 3 restaurants and host a food festival through their company, BayHaven Restaurant Group. Beyond their personal success, they take pride in supporting other businesses. 

“There’s probably 12 to 15 business owners or leaders of business who’ve come through our restaurant group in some kind of way,” Greg said.

“We have laid and planted so many seeds that nobody can take that from us. That’s more important than any award you can get,” Subrina added. 

You can also find the couple on Instagram @ChefGregCollierTN 



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