Tupac Mosley is not your average teenager. He is a 17-year-old from Memphis, Tennessee, who has overcome incredible odds to achieve his academic dreams. He graduated as the valedictorian of his high school with a 4.3 GPA, received a 31 ACT score, and earned more than $3 million in college scholarships. He did all this while being homeless for most of his senior year. 

Mosley’s life changed drastically when his father died in April 2017. His family fell behind on bills and their home was foreclosed on in February 2019, leaving them without a place to live. They moved from one place to another, sometimes staying at a camping site or a nonprofit organization that offered them shelter. 

Despite the challenges of being homeless, Mosley never gave up on his education. He said he was motivated by his family, his teachers, and his faith. He also credited a local organization, For The Kingdom, for providing him with a cabin to live in with his family and helping him focus on his studies. 

Mosley said he was shocked and elated when he learned that he had received more than $3 million in college scholarships from 44 different schools. He said he had surpassed his own goal of $1 million. He also delivered an inspiring valedictorian speech at his graduation ceremony, encouraging his classmates to never let their current situation limit their potential. 

“Never let your current situation, whatever circumstances you’re going through, be a mountain that you can’t climb,” he said. 

Mosley’s story is not only remarkable but also rare. According to the National Center for Homeless Education, there were more than 1.5 million homeless students in the U.S. in the 2017-2018 school year, an increase of 15% from the previous year. Homeless students face many barriers to academic success, such as lack of stability, resources, and support. 

However, Mosley proved that homelessness does not have to define one’s future. He said he wants to use his story to inspire others who are going through similar struggles and to show them that anything is possible with hard work and determination. 

Mosley plans to attend Tennessee State University in Nashville, where he will major in electrical engineering. He said he hopes to become an inventor and create new technologies that can benefit society. He also wants to give back to his community and help other homeless students achieve their dreams. 

Mosley is a shining example of resilience and excellence. He deserves to be celebrated for his achievements and for overcoming adversity with grace and poise. He is a testament to the power of education and the human spirit. 


SOURCE: risingafrica.org 

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