You might have encountered Glen Henry during your casual social media scrolling. Glen, a multi-talented individual, wears many hats – musician, devoted husband, loving dad, and the visionary behind “Beleaf in Fatherhood.”  

What started as a YouTube project has blossomed into a multifaceted platform encompassing podcasts, eBooks, and community events, all centered around the journey of fatherhood. 

In an insightful conversation with Liana Brackett, a Lifestyle contributor at TheGrio, Glen Henry delved into his mission of establishing a safe haven for new fathers navigating the challenges of parenthood. 

 During the discussion, he skillfully blended humor with candid reflections on the trials and tribulations of fatherhood. 

Growing up in a family spanning two coasts, Glen gained a profound appreciation for the benefits of being raised in a two-parent household. He passionately believes that many Black men shy away from the idea of becoming fathers due to the deep-seated fear of making mistakes—a fear often inherited from past generations, echoing traumas that remain unaddressed. 

Glen Henry emphasizes that self-care is paramount. He insists that if you don’t tend to your own well-being, the unresolved issues from your own childhood can inadvertently affect your children. 

 As he aptly puts it, “If you don’t take care of yourself, your childhood baggage can spill over into your children’s lives if you don’t seek the help you need.” 

For those eager to learn more about “Beleaf in Fatherhood,” there’s a wealth of information available, and you can explore their offerings. Additionally, you can watch the full interview with Glen Henry and Lifestyle contributor Liana Brackett below for a deeper dive into this meaningful conversation. 


CLICK HERE FOR MORE :Beleaf In Fatherhood helps new dads 



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